This one is a mixed experience. You begin to hate it, then suddenly it gets interesting, and then makes you frown again.
Gameplay-wise, it's an adevnture game on Dark Engine. Find one object, use it in the room across the map to gain access to another room. Repeat 10 times. There are some puzzles to it and they're fair, but nothing particularly exciting. The enemies are pretty much your usual spooks from the original game, which is a bit disappointing for this type of FM, but there's also this one THING up there that will be darn creepy no matter how many FMs you've played.
You like the worldbuilding in the beginning. The spaces look fairly pleasant, if a bit detached from the usual style of Thief and definitely oversized. Things get worse as you go deep into the level. Too many rooms and hallways look exactly the same and the large scale of everything becomes annoying. There are a few creepy surprises around to make you jump or shiver. It isn't room 13-level atmosphere, but there is definitely some good tension throughout. The little girl's taunts, though, personally I found quite cheesy rather than terrifying.
The story is just an empty shell. There's very little depth beyond what you need to solve puzzles and justify your objectives. It's a shame because it definitely had potential to make things much more spicy with some intriguing backstory. Moreover, the narrative isn't particularly well integrated into the gameplay, for example you may escape the hellish dimension you've been thrown into (the main point in the narrative) well before completing many objectives and then need to come back into it from the "real" world, which wouldn't make any sense.
You may like this one if you're into puzzles and moderately atmospheric stuff. You shouldn't expect classic Thief gameplay or a developed story, though.
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