Small, but somewhat decently-designed mission.
Loot goal is easily attainable, but not too easily, even on Expert.
Not much of a keyhunt, which is nice.
I do rather like the random patrols of the guards, and the fact that they go to turn on deactivated lights.
In spite of all this, the map is somewhat of an amateur effort.
Textures could have been applied better. And some of the props not only look out of place in Thief (too high-poly), but they are used too much. There wasn't much variation in how the rooms were decorated. Also there are those sword-and-sorcery paintings which I think not only are indecent at times but in my opinion don't fit with the artstyle. Thief 1 and 2 are better suited to real, historical paintings.
I don't care for the background ambient, which I do not think varies at all throughout the level.
Finally, I was not able to finish the mission because of a bug. I satisfied all the other objectives but could not get the case file on Garrett. I'm where the file should be on Expert, but it does not appear or is not frobbable..
I don't like how one of the guards cannot be knocked out. I never like that in any mission. I mean, most every guard wears a metal helmet; if one of them can't be knocked out, then none of them should be able to. The inclusion of this element makes one of the floors somewhat a chore to play--you are forced to ghost.
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star 5 / 10
Thank you for your review!
Not trying to argue with you in any way, but there is actually a fair explanation of why several guards are no-KO.
The reason is that normal guards have their necks exposed, while no-KO guards have their necks covered with metal helmet.
During gameplay, we cannot see that in simplified animations, but Garrett is supposed to knock them out with the neck or lower head hit, and not hitting directly onto the metal helmet.
Thought this could be a nice fun fact for you, hence I'm sharing it :) As for me, it improves the immersion when knocking-out metal helmet guards.
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Interesting explanation. I hadn't known about the necks.
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The disappearing case file is an annoying bug sadly, I had the misfortune to run into it as well.
By the way, I'v enjoyed the mission somewhat more, but kinda agree that the unknockable guard here is a bit of an annoyance. This unit type can serve the pacing of a mission well, but here, it just makes everything way too slow.
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