I decided to try T1 FMs as well as T2 ones after seeing Endless Rain. I looked for highest ratings for these and that is how I arrived at Alcazar. I was actually able to finish this one without any hints. which is rare so far. But the first time I tried I thought it looked weird, too claustrophobic and I couldn't get too far. I was not familiar with Schlock then and his work on Into The Odd and The Dark Parade (which wasn't out yet).
But now I decided I will give this one some more time as it is one of the very few day missions and there seemed to be more beneath the surface. I was right! This mission shows great use of space in DromEd as there are a lot of things happening in a rather small dimensioned package. Everything seems like its a secret. You can't get too far without finding weird objects to push and open hidden latches. But it wasn't way too difficult. I like how you can see the end of the mission at the very being without being able to get there. Also the way the crypt and enemies are designed is great.
Play this one, but take your time.
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