TL:DR: If you like humor in the style of the movie "Meet the Spartans", you will very likely like this mission! If you dislike this movie, then stay away from it.
Long version:
Ok, to be clear: I don´t have a problem with potty humor. And this mission is based around that.
Well, if it only would that be...
This mission feels like some ham-fisted mission from the early days of Dromed, added with some - ahem, in this case take it literally - crap. It is rather small, lacks any atmosphere and the overall tone...basically just some lame memes with some relation to Thief.
TBH the humor makes any Adam Sandler movie look like a sophisticated masterpiece.
I thought the contest was to make a mission that reflects TDS. While I´m not the biggest fan of TDS, this is not even really TDS-related!
You start in your apartment, have to get your stuff and buy some from a shop nearby, then you start the "real" mission.
Just a small mansion with some gimmicks, that´s it. You are allowed to kill enemies. On the other hand, you must not knock out one specific civilian, despite him body-blocking you now and then. It´s not a big deal, just annoying. His permanent screams of panic may mask that this mission also makes no use of any of the good atmospheric sounds of Thief. But why complain - you have the "great" readables... (sarcasm)
None of the objectives is challenging. The main objective is a big troll - I will not say how to solve it, but if you get it, well...
So yes, I clearly stand with the lowest rating.
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star 1 / 10
At this point, I unironically think that Udo's uncompromising 1/10 reviews are one of the most fundamental parts of the Thief Guild experience. Please, never stop posting them, man.
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@Matt: Don´t worry, if a mission is really that bad, I will give it the deserved review. Although I hope that there aren´t too much duds left.
@Konrad: TBH I can´t see how anybody with a basic taste can see good in this mission...
I don´t share their opinion but I can accept if people like missions I gave tough ratings like Feast of Pilgrims or OM Cradle.
But this one? Nah.
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Fair point of course. Not gonna argue with anyone's personal preferences :) I'll just leave my 2 cents and say that sometimes humorous (or satire) projects are a good break from monotonous and "proper" missions :)
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I don´t mind humor, quite the contrary, but it should be good.
Therefore my comparison with the movie "Meet the Spartans". Like this mission, this movie is full of unfunny jokes - not just because they are just not unfunny, but also because they wear out their welcome. E.G. there is a parody of Britney Spears. I found it a bit funny for the first 30 seconds. But then it dragged on for several minutes, when it already had become annoying.
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Well, the humour thing is really subjective thing. I like what you don't and you like what I don't. In my opinion this mission is more or less challenging as stealth mission - partly since water is deadly here and Hanover Aldercash built lots of really nasty traps around this. That's in my opinion the biggest achivement here. Perhaps will replay it later with ghost/no blackjack in mind. As for parody/TDS mocking - well, I'm also not in his camp entirely, but sometimes itmanaged to put a smile on my face. It's joke mission, strange game world where rules are slightly different than those of usual standart Thief FM. I rated it 7/10.
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