Pretty interesting and unique for Thief Far Eastern vibes in all of the triad of architectural, assets & models - some of the latter even in full samurai armour, others in something of a "light Chinese" protection style and even those closest to the standard hammer model sporting upmarket, very flashy ornamental scale-like mails. Spoiling the dish though is 1. the author's insistence on using secrets behind random teeny tiny little switches as a requirement to reach the standard loot objective (on expert) (and it doesn't even signal at first it's THAT kind of mission), 2. the script to an objective works somewhat only in the part of acquiring a disguise, but does not in actually donning it, spoiling any potential fun of Undercover - though that might have to do with something getting broken between the mission's release date and the current Tfix version, 3. some of the scriptures found that seem interesting leads are actually but red herrings, apparently poking fun both at how exotic the theme might seem and the player themselves, in the same way as 4. one (optional) objective completely trolling the player as its ingredients are nowhere to be found. Had it not been for these weird kinds of humour that partly brush dangerously close against the fourth wall, it might actually make it to the top spots for a very clean and compact small mission.
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