A Short Night's Work has a pretty similar structure to Life of the Party - which is usually the most celebrated original mission among Thief players. Personall, I don't like it that much, but mainly because I've never really enjoyed the Angelwatch section. Here, the journey through the city and its tight alleys, comfy apartments and steep rooftops feels even more like an actual journey, linear an non-linear sections follow each other in such great design I would love to see more in fan missions. The difficulty and the overall feel is fantastically crafted, even the more focus on keyhunts towards the end isn't that bothering, and while the final section opens up to a more complex manor, thankfully it's no too much - and the level of challenge wisely considers the fact that we've been through quite a lot at that point.
My only criticism is there are many obvious signs of abandoned parts and ideas, lots of switches and doors that look interactable, aren't - which often leads to small disappointing moments. Besides this, I think I can pretty confidently say that overall I've enjoyed A Short Night's Work much more than Life of the Party. Can't wait to check out the author's other fan missions.
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His other missions are very good even though they can be a bit similar to each other (circular structure of level, mixing different locations and themes for example). My personal favourites (aside from this one) are Three Crowns and Augustine's Revenge.
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Your in-depth review under Augustine's Revenge motivated me to download the author's fan missions quite a lot, by the way - so yep, Three Crowns and especially Augustine's Revenge are definitely on my playlist.
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