This mission has countless flaws, idiotic mandatory secrets, annoying gameplay inconsistencies, a story that makes no sense, etc. - but(!) somehow still ended up being pretty good in my book. I'd even go as far as saying that I often felt like I was playing an official Deadly Shadows mission. While the layout is on the rather labyrinthian end of the spectrum, the map is fascinatingly diversed, I especially loved the contrast between the regular and the abandoned sections of the hotel. Also, the different ambient tracks and Garrett's narrations were used quite creatively.
Unfortunately though...
There are many-many annoying flaws scattered throughout the whole mission that will challenge your patience A LOT. Objects that absolutely seem like loot are junk, or cannot be picked up (next to a similar one that is loot), insanely hidden secrets that you pretty much have to find on Hard and Expert, sewer sections in the basement that have no good reason to exist besides being weird fillers, and an objective that is confusing, barely explained - and leads to an eyebrow-raising troll move that left me speechless (don't feel bad for checking out the guide document published by Savar)... to name just a few.
But, as I've mentioned in the first paragraph: I like this mission a lot, and can wholeheartedly recommend it - but only with a guide around (I've spent perhaps an hour running around being stuck at different parts of the mission). If you have enough patience, the mission will have a lot of cool challenges, intriguing areas, secrets and surprising moments for you.
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