Given the moderate score this mission has I was not expecting much from it, but I was dumbfounded by it!
A relatively large map with tons of loot, plus a new enemy type (Korrigan) makes this a really interesting FM.
The story develops along the lines of Garrett attempting to escape from a town through the sewers, but first has to find and sell a bunch of relics belonging to a personal enemy of his, only to find himself forced to explore the origins and home of so called "Korrigans" (aside from a few optional goals which are pretty much a must-do to complete the loot goal on expert). Exploration-wise, you will roam not just the urban environment, but also the sewers and the "realm" in which the Korrigans live.
Took me almost three hours to beat, but if you are looking for a 100% loot goal, you could find yourself sinking as many as 4 hours in this FM.
One of the things I miss would be more dialogues, since the mission story is developed in scrolls and books you will read. But then, for a 2004 mission, this one packs quite a lot of content.
Overall, I'd give this FM a solid 9!
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star 9 / 10
7.8 is actually pretty high for an older mission, older stuff is typically underappreciated here and goodies can still be found even in the 6-7ish range (while with most recent ones it's tendentially the other way round, or the law of current bias)
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