Well written, well executed. I really like the idea of "travel" that this offers. It reminds me a bit of a certain mission from the Dishonored series, but is a lot more "Thief" in this case. Good voice-work and a nice mystery (several small ones actually) to solve.
The mansion is interesting and vast, and offers some challanges for the player to navigate. It feels like you progress steadily throughout the mission. The puzzles are there, but are not overbearing and I didn't really get stuck for any longer period on any of them. The closest was some trial and error in a button-based puzzle where I didn't understand the symbols correctly. I also hit some kind of soft-lock in the beginning on one of the training-tasks, where my teacher would not go and open the door for the next task. I reloaded an earlier save and played through until the end without any issue after that.
Would recommend for a couple of hours of mystery solving and old fashioned mansion-looting!
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