In keeping with the short length of this mission, it is well made, stylish and a visual treat, is varied enough even within its short span and combines a few scripted scares with mostly adventure-style puzzles at a leisurely pace that is paradoxically nicely unnerving against the claustrophobic anguish, with some nice innovative touches for us bookworms and decipherers of mouldy tomes - maybe only the final puzzle is a bit silly but that may be owing to the compact design restrictions. Certified no pixel hunting here unless you tend to be blind around obviously placed, erm, tokens (in fact the greater problem and single biggest hitch for me was that solving the door inscription puzzle just stated the plainly obvious and did in no way help you enter as in my opinion should but you had to do it much more mundanely with an unrelated thing in the only small contraintuitive minus to the mission in my book).
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