I'm surprised how much fun I had with this. It's just a simple, crude and unpolished mansion heist. The mansion itself itself is just a box, full of boxy rectangular rooms. Sound propagation is so-so, and there are numerous instances of misaligned textures, CSG fails, and bad proportions. And much of the mission has been blatantly copied from Lord Bafford's Manor- for instance, gaining access through a well leading into a sewer, the approach through identical-looking servants' quarters, and so on.
Still, the mission manages to be a lot of fun to play. Loot is plentiful, with a good mix of easy to spot and well-hidden, and solving the puzzles is mostly logical. Guards aren't trivial to evade, but fair if you watch what you're doing. I could have done without all the pickable chests and doors all having ten million billion lock pins to wait through.
Overall this is a mission that overcomes a lack of polish by being just plain fun.
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