I somewhat disagree with the previous review, this mission does offer some intriguing content - but it's not necessarily easy to tell whether it's worth >your< time, or not.
Curiosity is a relatively short (~30 mins) mission set in a layout wise not that interesting city map - but while exploring it, you can stumble upon into fun little ideas. Like a saw mill with a functional saw machine, a theater play, a pirate ship, or a hospital with an operation going on, etc. These are all nice moments (and pretty amazing if you consider when the mission was released), but I feel like the author hasn't really done anything too interesting with them. They are just there, probably to showcase some ideas explored while the author was learning DromEd. I enjoyed witnessing them, but ultimately, run into two annoyances as well:
- invisible walls at the end of the mission
- frustrating loo requirement (you need to collect 2800 out of 2984)
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