In the Mage Towers, Garrett has to infiltrate a keep run by a mysterious, reclusive school of mages to steal their Talisman. It's one of the bigger missions of the game and can be tricky to navigate until you figure out how it works. It is mostly logically set out, with four towers dedicated to the study of one of the elements surrounding a keep and central tower. Use your compass and map and you'll be fine.
There's a lot of variety to this mission, with interesting platforming sections, slow and thoughtful searched for secrets, and some good old-fashioned robbery. Cleaning out the arrogant Captain Regalio's stash is a real pleasure. For me the coolest sections were the statue room and the huge central staircase, not to mention the final cellar/sewer area once all your other tasks were done.
There are a few annoying bits- navigating large, open, brightly lit areas with noisy floors is no fun. And the floating platforms in the air tower are notoriously bugged. But for the most part this is an excellent mission. I'm glad we didn't see too much more of the mages, because I think they'd have worn out their welcome really quickly.
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