First of all, I'm stunned about this mission being a speedbuild. It really doesn't feel like it. Yes, compared to other missions from nicked, it's rather medium sized, but, the quality of mapping, gameplay, story and readables is really top notch, and, I really didn't come along any issues like getting stuck, or some major visual issues either.
What I'm always a bit undecided about are the endings of nicked's missions. While some might enjoy the extra challenge, they really become ultra hardcore uber pwnage in terms of difficulty at the end, which is a bit inconsistent with the overall difficulty in the missions, and frankly it leads to some really frustrating moments, when all of a sudden 10 alerted enemies appear which notice and attack you if you just let a breath of air out, and which you can't really defeat with the weapons given to you in the mission.
I felt like giving this mission a 9 out of 10 rating, as it really is some extraordinary achievement, considering it was a speedbuild, but, I had to withdraw a point because of the (once again) frustrating end. Nicked showed with the Shadow on the Water mission, that it doesn't really need that bit of ultra hardcore difficulty to make a great mission.
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