For a vertical mission like this I didn't do much climbing, tbh. It's more like a long spiralling street, that goes higher and higher to the mansion, and it's quite linear. While the main objective is straight forward, with a few nice twists and spooks, the optional stuff was brutal. I don't have many points in perception, so it took me ages to find the necessary items. Nicely hidden. Water cascade is a nice fast travel tool. The mansion is a marble castle, but, thankfully, guards aren't frequent.
Visuals are great and atmospheric. Beautiful night quarter with great architecture. But the most impressive thing visuals-wise is a big spoiler.
Fun little things.
1) Since Thief community cracked the Horse Engine (tm), here we got guard dogs! Lovely. Hitbox is rather strange, though.
2) At first I thought I need to throw the letter into fire. I tried various fire sources and failed. So then I tried water and it worked. Not as reliable.
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Now that you say it, yeah, the hitbox of the dogs is really pretty strange. Kinda like with burricks, just even more small/low.
At least they don't notice you from 2 kilometres away, like real dogs...
TBH, I found them a bit expendable though. Not my cup of tea, and, I don't really see the point.
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Hey there. Throwing the letter in the fire should work, as it's one of the ways to destroy the invitation. It sometimes takes a second or two before it burns, though. It should work if you drop it in fireplaces or use a fire arrow.
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