Neat idea executed to near perfection. And it's snowy atmosphere hits the spot for the season. First day of winter.
We had missions like this before: a creepy host in a big house. The oldest one that I can remember is "Lord Edmund Entertains!" And it's really awesome to see how far FM community advanced since those days. Squeezing everything they can from the ancient engine. The mansion is gorgeous with a lot of detail. Repair or disrepair - everything looks just right. There's a nice story packed into the mission, delivered through notes of confused/scared guests and hired help. The host himself is awesomely made as well, but I'm leaving it for everyone to discover on their own. Game design is solid. No abuse of any kind, the map isn't populated much and there is generous amount of places to hide. It flows really well.
I'm keeping it for future replays. Loved it.
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