While it does have a couple of small unpolished aspects (rough sound propagation here and there, unfrobable switches, etc.) and the mission kinda lacks originality, I still think that The Hammer Skull is a very-very solid and enjoyable city mission that is worth to play - and probably even re-play. Cool optional/hidden areas, well balanced difficulty - and good loot placement! So many missions annoy you with loot scattered around everywhere, but here, while you still can collect random trinkets, the majority of loot is in important places you can't really miss. Cleaning vaults in this mission is hell a lot of fun!
The Hammer Skull is far from as ambitious as Bryan's magnum opus, A Short Night's Work, and (as far as I can tell) it lacks the smart loop leading you back to the beginning of the map (which is usally present in Bryan's missions) - I enjoyed it a lot for its good pacing and can wholewheartedly recommend it to everyone.
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