The mission features an unusual story and an interesting twist at the end. The situation in the FM prompts players to find equipment and items as they progress. The map includes numerous notes containing absurd and gritty stories about the people who live there. The level and game designs are excellent; the author did a great job. It is a dream map for a schoolboy. Ideal immersive sim
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Probably this FM divides people quite a lot. I think the readables might offend or be too rough to others and I can understand it. For me this all was just absurd/crazy and it humored me on several occasions. People have different kinds of humor tastes and this mission really has dark/twisted humor that might be for you or not. This is just the way I see it.
I have played only one older FM from the author: Broken Hammers, which was quite good horror themed mission. The rest I've played are: D00M, Reminiscences and Rage of a Man. So, don't know if some older missions hold something more disturbing that might affect how people see these missions.
I kinda feel and hope that the author should really make a serious mission and with his skills it might be a pretty taffing good one!
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