You may think 'A Very Thiefy Christmas Special' is probably just a little humorous mission (and... well, yes it does have a lot of jokes), it'll keep you busy for 1.5-2 hours! Especially if you want to check out the beautiful Ice Garden. While the City Watch has a handful of officers patroling the streets, no one else will bother you and the main challenge will be collecting different kind of items - and finding their proper places. Yes, this mission is technically a bouquet of fetch quests, but if that sounds too easy, or boring to you, then... I'm telling you it's not (you may even need to check the TTLG forums for clues). The atmosphere is quite special and there are a lot of surprising (often silly as well) moments. I guarantee that the ending will make you smile.
Well, I'd have a couple of little nitpicks as well, but I'm just gonna throw them out of the window and be grateful for this wonderful Christmas present. Thanks, PukeyBrunster and Tannar - and Merry Christmas to you too!
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