Being a true natural-born maestro, I played on the Maestro difficulty, obviously.
No blackjack means you need to sneak past everything in this marble paradise. Which slows your pace considerably. Granted, not everything is marble and it's done rather tastefully with various less loud surfaces mixed in. The mask was in such an uneventful place, that I bumped into it by accident. Other than that, navigation and traversal are great. There are plenty of ways in and out, verticality, various hidden passages etc. You will be using the rope arrow a lot. Guards and civilians aren't plentiful, but it's compensated by loud surfaces. Loot is placed well for the most part, but some stuff feels like too much effort for little reward.
The mansion itself looks kinda boxy at times and reminded me of Metal Age quite a bit. It's not ugly or anything. But the slums area is truly beautiful. Such an expert work with light and shadow. Custom high-poly assets. Sound. Not to mention, the story happens in this area, so it adds flavor.
I felt like some stuff was rushed or even abandoned. Like the metal door in the sewers. Maybe there will be another revision of the mission eventually with the spooky area added? I mean, there's a good tease.
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