I had a bit of a problem with the guard near the cells being stuck, hovering above a table with his ankles firmly embedded in the table surface. Fortunately I wasn't playing as Maestro so I let loose a couple of arrows to alert him and get him walking about again.
Many ways of reaching different places with no particularly difficult jumps (the ones where I have to make 40 attempts only to watch someone do it first time on YouTube).
Although I searched in a lot of places, I only found 4 out of 13 secrets and 3859 cash so plenty of opportunities for replaying. As another reviewer says, the mansion layout is bewildering and I never completely knew where I was.
I obviously lack a sense of direction to add to my bad jumping abilities.
EDIT: A quick footnote to say that my comments regarding the mansion layout are not a criticism. I struggle with direction even when there's an auto-map included.
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