While the mission feels unfinished, it has some neat ideas and a pretty good, albeit basic, story. I don't know if NewDark played tricks or me or if those are original bugs (or even if the instructions were just too obtuse), but the final stretch had me scratch my head with one objective in Expert seemingly not working, but not hampering completion of the mission - the objective being to bless the scepter. Following the required steps seemed to work well enough as returning to the exit completed the mission just fine, though.
The rooms were pretty basic, but the twist near the end gave me a good bit of fun, ending a pretty mid FM (probably mediocre even, by today's standards) on a jolly note.
Escaping the final rooms also required me to mantle and make a simple running jump: if steps were meant to appear, they never did so for me. It's also possible that I only managed to finish it due to avoiding two very obvious triggers. Disregarding those minor gripes, I still had a pretty good time with it.
Rating given with consideration to the FM's old age: it's a quarter of a century old, you probably know what you're going into.
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