There's strange thing with Autumn in Lampfire Hills that - even after more than 25 years (yeah, Thief FM making is THAT old) - it still plays good. Lampfire Hills city is small, but surprisingly alive and full of details. It helps that Purah understood lessons of his disappointing debut - Shadow of lord Rothchest: there are much less unfair "gotcha" traps, the layout is much less overcrowded and cramped and of course sky now is thankfully full of stars.
Perhaps it is not the first city mission at all (there were Rose of Bantry and Gathering at the Bar before) but first of polish and quality, and - unlike some modern representatives of subgenre - it is not too big, nor very small, it really feels appropriate. Still, the layout is surprisingly varying - small tavern, Hammer church, manor, even Keeper's library! Each location provides its own challenge. There's some verticality and the story will lead player not only above the streets but also far below, showing - in literal sense - that dark secrets lie beneath even in such comfy and cozy place as Lampfire Hills.
It's not flawless - the city is a bit too cramped, some parts of mission are too linear, and in some places there's no borders between level layout and surrounding dark void, but I think that level is quite the achievement. It spawned lots of successors, some of which - Calendra's Cistern (also made by Purah), Events in Highrock and Hush.... Hush, Sweet Harlot - were released in the next 2000 year.
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