One huge map, followed by a small one.
First mission is huge and really stands out:
- it takes hour to explore the whole map
- the clever map design opens up with new passages, doors, hidden path as you explore
- stunning details, great architecture and lighting
- credible npcs, lots of custom animations
- custom optional objectives
- great sound design, both for Garret and the environment
- distinct atmospehere for each main location
A few things can be annoying:
- locations needs to be discovered in a particular order
- a few very hard to find items
- loot target a bit steep (I though I was thorough and still was short on hard)
- if you don't get the optional objectives at the begining, you'll have to revisit most places twice
Second mission is a quick one:
- still very pretty and detailled
- continues the story
I did use a walkthrough for a few keys.
Also did not pick up the optional objectives at the begining, so used cheat engine to get loads of ropes and slow fall, it was quite fun!
But I imagine redoing it all the normal way might have been a bit annoying.
Overall a great experience, highly recommended.
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