One of my absolute favorites from The Dark Project. From the creepy Trickster song in the briefing to the first view in the beginning, it sets the vibe immediately. And even the map, which among the sketchiest, tells you that you know nothing about the place, outside a few general things and you will have to explore it mostly on your own.
The game continues to evolve and this time we find ourselves venturing into an underground maze - a set of tombs and caves. We won't find a single living soul there. Only dead and undead. You can leave your blackjack at home. The mission has a lot of verticality. Ropes, platforming, climbing and descending - there's nothing like that in the first two missions. And so many traps of all kinds.
I think this is the mission where environmental storytelling, as well as audio design, is in full display. Someone was here before you and you will learn quite a bit about their journey and misfortunes, while getting through labyrinths and traps. At some point in the depths of the undead maze, you will begin to hear faint sound of the desired Horn of Quintus, which gets louder as you get closer. And it adds so much to the mystical atmosphere. But it's not just for the vibe, it's part of game design. The sound guides you.
One thing I noticed is that the sound of the horn pacifies burricks. They don't attack you until you take it. Fascinating.
Overall, it's one my most favorite official missions. It's a terrific blend of horror, unknown, mystery, exploration, action and storytelling. It's everything I love about Thief. When you leave the tomb, you almost can smell the night sky.
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If one would be really nitpicky it's not entirely undead (souls are a different matter altogether) so you may "do want you're blackjack because those burricks won't boink themselves"
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