After having a bit of fun with undead we're back in the world of living. Though not all of them will stay that way tonight.
The mission starts with a scripted action sequence, where a merchant takes (unwillingly) an arrow for you. Then you have to follow assassins through city streets while staying hidden the whole time. I think, their route is randomized, so you will have it differently each time. It seems like LGS (and fans at the time) loved the idea, so it will return in the sequel. Me personally wasn't that enamored with the idea and execution. But I respect it for trying something different.
You proceed to rob a mansion once you find it by following the two guys dressed in black. And it kinda resembles Lord Bafford's manor, only this time the place is less sleepy: guards walk in packs, help is busy doing what it's supposed to do. You will also meet the main boss of this place.
Other observations. I believe it's the first mission with fireplace and book levers. It has quite a few secrets and secret passages.
To sum things up, it's a good city+heist mission, that doesn't overstay it's welcome. And good time to recover from undead.
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