I was quite fond of Garrett's Revenge, but this one is a step back in almost every way. The writing's worse, the design's worse, it far overstays its welcome. Starting where you left in Garrett's Revenge was... pretty much the high point of the FM, after which it all spirals into an ugly mess of a closed-off minimal city part, then a grossly oversized warehouse section (and god knows I love the T2 OM it hearkens forward to), followed by multiple trips through nonsensical - and ugly - roads in search of switches to finally backtrack into the warehouse section again to get some loot and what will probably go down in history as the worst lock ever conceived (OVER ONE MINUTE, FFS), all for a chest that contains... well, pretty much nothing. I won't spoil it, but I'll say this: if this doesn't make you want to throw the author straight in the Bear Pits, I don't know what will. And then, only then, Get back down the same roads you trod ages ago for the switches, to open one final door because... continuity, I guess?
There's some nice bits here and there, mind. The "Pay your taxes" semi-hidden stuff, for example. But it won't make up for the rest.
It's a shame, really. Garrett's Revenge showed promise.
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