The story setup for this mission is wild, lmao.
As for the mission itself, it's streets + sewers. The city part is rather plain with neat moments here and there. The sewers part is mildly frustrating. It's not Thieves' Guild kind of hell, it's less disorienting, but I wouldn't call it fun. I don't know what attracts people to smelly and wet pits like these. You will be crouch walking, while battling spiders and burricks. Yay.
One of the frustrating moments - the goddamn bone. It's location is bizarre and I spent majority of the time looking for it after clearing the whole map. Another - lonely rope arrow that you will be going back for, most likely through the whole map.
To sum things up, not the worst sewers experience, try it at your own peril. Sewers fetishists will probably enjoy it a lot more.
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