Gameplay. It's solid. It has a bunch of interesting rooms where straight bonking isn't easy. You need to think a bit. The riddle is confusing, since it implies you need body parts and there's a bunch of walking corpses nearby that you can blow to bits. But in actuality you need specific body parts from a different room. A few bugs aside where guards get stuck in beds and wake up from noise that is really far from them, I had my fun with the mission.
Presentation. The author seems to be a fan of "football field" designs. Because there's a few large open spaces and super-wide corridors for no reason. As well as really cramped human-height tiny rooms. Not sure why there's such min-maxing. Some creative use of light here and there. It's fine.
Story. The mission builds up towards this Katrina woman, who's practical and disciplined, leading the dark cult, but when you find her in her room, she is nearby her bath and goes "la-la-la-laaaaa"... What a downer. Bonked her and threw her ass into the water. Yet, there's a very nice spoiler story element, that I enjoyed.
This is one of better missions from year 2000. Worth playing.
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