A really good early mission that has Garrett seeking revenge on Sammy, known from selling him out in "Ambush". As the night unfolds, our hero finds himself thrust into a plot bigger than thieves settling a score.
It features an hour and a half of mostly satisfying mansion-thief den hybrid gameplay. It has some quite decent city architecture (though the city sections mostly serve as a backdrop, while the vital events take place inside), whereas the interiors are a little bit bare at times. The main building's layout feels completely different from many Thief FM mansions, sometimes a little bit labyrinthine with lots of overlooks and some sections connecting unexpectedly through promenades and walkways. There is also some backtracking involved, but nothing extreme (as long as you're not getting lost).
I felt the gameplay elements were well-balanced for good entertainment, with classic Thief exploration and gold hunting at the forefront, while some limited elements of tracking, eavesdropping and framing were also present. There seems to be enough space and possible routes available to fit a variety of playstyles.
There are also some scripted conversations and general guard banter to make things more interesting.
On the flip side, the sound does not propagate properly in some places. I also had some trouble recognizing who's who in the story and locating some critical places, but it might have been just me not following the readables thoroughly enough.
All in all, it's a shame we haven't seen any more releases from the author. With an early FM created with limited resources playing so well and looking decent, I feel they showed potential for creating something big later on, but that seems to never have materialized.
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