The second mission in the Thief's Den series, Chalice of Kings has you break into the mansion of a former acquaintance who beat you to a rich treasure find years ago and is now living the high life on the proceeds. He's kept a few of the rarest treasures though, and you're going to relieve him of them.
The mansion design is very clever. It has just the right balance between providing multiple routes around the place and locking important locations behind story-related progression. You feel neither confused as to where to go next or stuck on a linear railroad. Nice variation of colour and textures also make finding your way around easy.
Being able to replace one of the treasures with a worthless fake so the guards don't notice its absence is a clever touch. I wish more missions would come up with simple but clever mechanics like this.
One of the highlights of the mission is the readables. They really paint a convincing picture of Mudgeon as a savage idiot with pretensions of notability, and make robbing him of his ill-gotten loot even more satisfying.
The mission is also fair to all play styles. I've done a knock-everyone-out playthrough, as well as a perfect supreme ghost, so I think nearly any style of player can give this one a go and have a lot of fun.
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