This FM has no worse rating than a 6 from a dozen people as of now (apart from my own rating) and I just don't get the appeal. This to me feels like a totally bizarre, poorly made small campaign of 5 missions with no real appeal whatsoever.
Basically everything that in my mind is a bad things in FMs appears here: Lots and lots of marble or metal flooring, sped up NPCs (almost everyone is hyper fast), unappealing design with boring and long halways, lots of doors that you have to pick and even a third lockpick to make it even more annoying and last but not least keyhunting.
Sure it's pretty creative what is done with the environments and the story but creative isn't automatically good.
As the title says, maybe I just don't get it, if so please tell me why I'm wrong but until then this is just a middle of the road set of missions with a bizarre setting and tedious mechanics.
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star 4 / 10
Well, I'd agree with almost all of your criticisms in essence (maybe except the design being unappealing and boring - I mean, it gets like that at times, but it's not universally bad), but I'd still say a 4 is a bit harsh, considering how much novelty this set would offer in its time. Let's remember it's 2006. Sure, looking at it through the lens of today's standards won't do it any good, but then, it's not like today's missions don't have their own gameplay issues and their averages still go through the roof.
Also, I see you tend to be pretty strict with your ratings in general, so maybe people actually had similar conclusions, and it's just your 4/10 is equivalent to most people's 6/10 :P
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