Patently Dangerous starts off innocuously enough: you've been hired by the Inventors' Guild to steal some blueprints from an independent scientist. But things start taking a turn for the worse...
This mission consists of a City district of seven or eight buildings with numerous watchmen patrolling the streets, which are brightly lit in places. Luckily there are enough opportunities to go rooftop climbing that you can usually find your way around them if you're observant.
Breaking into the various houses and reading the documents lying around gradually starts to reveal the story and the way the inhabitants' lives are all interconnected. And it shows that a lot of the people who live in this neighbourhood are complete ratbags.
The finale of the mission is without a doubt one of the highlights of 2010-era TDM. It's reminiscent of Robbing the Cradle in some ways and genuinely unsettling to play.
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