Sons of Baltona is a fairly average mansion mission. It was originally going to be the first mission in a series, but after such a long time I think it's fair to say the later missions have been cancelled- a shame! Your task is to get into a mansion to investigate the disappearance of another member of your thiefy organisation while helping yourself to all the treasure lying around. The mansion itself is twenty rooms or so, surrounded by a huge architecturally dubious brick wall and numerous patrolling watchmen. You've got to dodge the coppers while searching for a cleverly hidden secret entrance underneath the building.
The torch-wielding watchmen patrolling the outside of the mansion add a bit of spice. Sometimes they're nowhere to be seen and you have a lot of freedom to move around; other times you can be trapped between two of them converging from opposite directions and you're doomed. It makes for an interesting experience.
The interior of the mansion is pretty standard fare. The rooms are mostly logically laid out, except for the only two doors into the place being tiny and cramped, and the interior guard patrols are mostly fair. Some of them investigate suspiciously open doors, so be alert! Loot is plentiful, though some of it is well hidden, and on higher difficulties the loot goal is very demanding. You're also compelled to ghost on the higher difficulties.
All in all this is a competent mansion heist, but nothing we haven't seen before. I'd say it's worth a play though.
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