First of all, this mission isn't offensively bad in any way; it pulls of what it sets out to do and is rarely frustrating or confusing, which is something I value relatively highly. It simply wasn't what I'm looking for in a mission and I recommend you check it out (if you haven't already) as I think some people will really enjoy this one, even if I sadly wasn't of them.
If you've seen the tags you'll know what to expect: A hammerite church, a small section of sewers containing thieves, some tombs in a lost city and finally the maw. My issue with this mission was mainly that neither did it connect them in an interesting way, nor are any of them done particularly well in my opinion. They're all clearly seperated and you'll traverse them in a rather linear fashion as you chase this missions macguffin. Thankfully there's a quick way to get back to the start after you've completed your main objective because walking all the way back would be an absolute nightmare.
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