This is an early mission from prolific TDM mapper Bikerdude and it's a pretty solid effort. You're tasked with housesitting for an acquaintance, who also has a few other little odd jobs around the town suitable for a master sneak.
The town is about a dozen buildings, plus a fairly extensive sewer section, set during a cold winter night. There's a few nice touches, such as the guards emitting steamy breath in the cold air, and the houses are well designed and look like actual spaces that people live in. Wandering around and looting is enjoyable. There's also a few opportunities to go climbing for well-concealed treasure, which is always nice.
Sometimes it feels like the objectives are to disconnected from one another, and there are also no major twists that come up during the mission. What you see is exactly what you get. It makes this a bit of a cozy, casual mission good for an hour or so of fun gameplay.
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