At it's best, this mission features some amazing atmosphere in combination with fun gameplay. It makes extensive use of in-game cutscenes to progress the story which itself is satisfactory but could've been fleshed out slightly further. Parts of it are actually incredibly well made and impressive even over a decade later, yet the total experience is soured by some very avoidable blemishes.
I think having to look something up in order to progress the main objectives feels terrible, but sadly that was something which happened to me a few times during this mission. And it wasn't any solution to a complicated puzzle, rather just some hidden switch the mission requires you to find without sufficient hints or intuitive location. Sure, many people will be able to complete it without external help, nevertheless I do think that's something worth mentioning. Other (minor) nitpicks are having way too many damn keys and lockpicking taking forever in some cases. Still, I'd recommend this mission despite being somewhat torn regarding the whole package.
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