A varied campaign of storming (if that can be said to be within Garrett's capabilities) a mighty enemy's keep in four parts, with lvls 1 to 3 all architecturally similar (ie relatively basic, w mission 3 a first notable step forward) but all sharing the same kind of amateurish charm that may appeal to an adventurous thrill seeker with both annoying bits and misses (most annoying of which are a tendency of cluttering items and cramped spaces, frobbing distances of literally millimeters and gameplay progress concentrated in procedural, not always best thought-out nodes), unorthodox/novel approaches in the vein of many ca. early 2000s missions, and streaks of excellence with some kinda Lewis Carroll/Elven and then for a change industrial poetry at work. Mission 4 then is a different beast altogether with much more consistent and advanced visuals/interior architecture and much more fluent gameplay (ie more modern feel) but also the closest to a standard t2 mansion heist with similarities to lots of other later fms, hence paradoxically with the least perceived factor or innovation or surprise if that makes sense (though some niceties are here also - like stationary guards that get restless after you redistribute enough tangibles, so freeing a key passage) , and still with occasional annoying problems of bumping into invisible walls and barriers (in addition to extremely tuned enemy ai hearing=straight into 3rd mode on the slightest creak and partly questionable taste finale, but we've seen all that). The strong moments and really fresh surprises throughout though remain.
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