...from the brilliant mind of nicked.
Mission 1 is more or less your standard Mansion mission, find the loot, secrets, evade the guard etc but nicked always adds bits to lift it above the average.
Mission 2 however is a completely different kettle of fish and, while using the same map as the first mission, nowhere is as easy to get to as y...
Nicely designed short mission.
I would've found all loot but accidentally smashed a gold vase with my sword. I didn't realise it at the time otherwise I would've reverted to an earlier save. I just watched a YouTube video to see what I missed as I was only a smidgen short of the total.
Anyway, me being clumsy and somehow smashing gold sh...
Reasonably easy (I didn't ghost) mission. All loot found.
I struggled for a while to find an important switch but that's how a mission should be.
Recommended if you have half an hour or so to play a short, pleasant mission.
An excellent mission with bits of everything thrown in.
I couldn't fault anything. I didn't get stuck, had just the right level of difficulty, didn't have ladders that you can't step back on to. Very polished.
Some humour as well but in hindsight I should have blackjacked those singing drunks when I first encountered them...
This mission had easily identifiable buildings to help in the navigation alongside a very accurate map. Even better - there are little clues within each building that help with identification.
On a difficulty scale, I'd give it 6/10 but perhaps my habit of scouring every corner helped me find the objectives.
Other reviewers didn't like th...
Enjoyed this mission.
A novel introduction, then an easyish trek through a cathedral followed by a much more difficult romp through the crypts.
Managed to find just over the 1750 loot (and that took me a while once I'd finished all the other missions). Haven't a clue where the other 500 could be. All 3 secrets were easier to find than th...
Wonderful buildings, exterior and interior.
Vertigo inducing climbs and dodgy jumps abound!
Short (can be very, very short) mission with plenty of opportunities to mantle.
This mission can be finished very early as the loot amount is optional so make sure you look around a lot before you head for the crypt.
As the title says...
At first I had problems with this mission crashing but the authors released a version without the intro and outro movies. This solved the problem for me - I'm very pleased to say.
Wonderfully atmospheric game. I enjoyed searching around for loot and the items required to fulfil some missions. I found all but 272 of ...
I had a bit of a problem with the guard near the cells being stuck, hovering above a table with his ankles firmly embedded in the table surface. Fortunately I wasn't playing as Maestro so I let loose a couple of arrows to alert him and get him walking about again.
Many ways of reaching different places with no particularly difficult jumps (t...
Kept me absorbed for just under an hour.
I like to play the briefer missions now and then. This was one of those where you're not playing it long enough to appreciate any atmosphere that there might be but enjoyable nonetheless.
Had no problems with glitches etc. Worth a play if you've got half an hour to spare.
Enjoyable mission.
Although I took my time hunting around, I only found 2 of the 10 secrets and just about half of the available loot so I'll be playing it again.
Fairly linear (so you would have thought I'd found more of the secrets!) at the beginning but opens up later on.
I found a couple of the jumps very difficult.
Probably one of my favourite missions so far.
Unlike others who seemed to have found the puzzles easy, I found them to be at a good level - not too hard but definitely not too easy. And just when you think you've got to the end, something else crops up!
The statues create a tension when you're around them, adding an excellent and novel e...
Great for those days when you want to do a quick mission.
Good solid gameplay with some hard to find secrets that are required to complete the optional objectives.
A difficult but not impossible Ghosting level.
As the other review states, a slow start, but you once you get started there's a hell of a lot of stuff to find.
I got stuck in a couple of tunnels but managed to get through eventually.
Good atmosphere, great story and (apart from when I couldn't move) fantastic gameplay.
Another plus for me - no undead!
A bit of a slow start to what became an excellent fan mission. I struggled (as I often do) with the parts that require accurate jumping but that's down to me, not the game.
A great story, too.
The high in the sky parts are great (if you don't suffer from vertigo).
Thunder & lightning, heavy rain. added to the excellent atmosphere. Guards were on the over-excited edge of guarding, they must be employed for their sight & hearing abilities.
The basement area was really well done. Nice to have a choice of endings, too.
Although I failed to find 4 of the secrets and about 700 loot, I thoroughly enjoyed this FM.
Excellent work.