★ 6 / 10 Thief's Den 2 : The Chalice of Kings, Oct. 2, 2020
★ 6 / 10 Thief's Den 1, Oct. 4, 2020
★ 7 / 10 Thief's Den 3: The Heart of Lone Salvation, Oct. 4, 2020
★ 7 / 10 Chronicles of Skulduggery 1: Pearls and Swine, Oct. 5, 2020
★ 8 / 10 Chronicles of Skulduggery 2: A Precarious Position, Oct. 7, 2020
★ 7 / 10 Trapped!, Oct. 7, 2020
★ 9 / 10 Chronicles of Skulduggery 3: Sacricide, Oct. 9, 2020
★ 6 / 10 The Builder Roads, Oct. 10, 2020
★ 7 / 10 Old Habits 2, Oct. 11, 2020
★ 6 / 10 The Elixir, Oct. 12, 2020
★ 9 / 10 Crucible of Omens: Behind closed doors, Oct. 13, 2020
★ 6 / 10 The Outpost, Oct. 14, 2020
★ 6 / 10 Lord Edgar's Bathhouse, Oct. 14, 2020
★ 5 / 10 Spring Cleaning, Oct. 14, 2020
★ 8 / 10 Patently Dangerous, Oct. 15, 2020
★ 7 / 10 A Good Neighbor, Oct. 17, 2020