Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Ruins of Originia 1: Mines of Margroth (2/3)
| Jan. 26, 2021
Ruins of Originia
Failed Ghost run of mission 1 of Ruins of Originia by YcatX. Took one bust towards the end or part 3, but there is no way around it. Skipped 2,450 loot for plain Ghost, and you need to skip 1,100 more for Supreme. Minimized Supreme busts through the entire run, except when taking the additional loot. What a ride this was!
Part 2 got lost when my external hard drive crashed, so I had to replay that portion. Some of the saves therefore do not match between parts 2 and 3.
Ghost challenge #17 in part 1.
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Ruins of Originia 1: Mines of Margroth (1/3)
| Jan. 26, 2021
Ruins of Originia
Failed Ghost run of mission 1 of Ruins of Originia by YcatX. Took one bust towards the end or part 3, but there is no way around it. Skipped 2,450 loot for plain Ghost, and you need to skip 1,100 more for Supreme. Minimized Supreme busts through the entire run, except when taking the additional loot. What a ride this was!
Part 2 got lost when my external hard drive crashed, so I had to replay that portion. Some of the saves therefore do not match between parts 2 and 3.
Actual run starts at 12:30.
Ghost challenge #17 at 1:10:00.
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Malazar's Inscrutable Tower feat. NICKED - Inside at Last #20
| Jan. 24, 2021
Malazar's Inscrutable Tower
You guys like creativity, interesting architecture and unique gameplay? Then NICKED is your man and was our guest this time. We mainly talked about his outstanding puzzle mission “Malazar’s Inscrutable Tower” – the inspirations, techniques and gameplay tweaks he added and also his work in general considering “Sturmdrang Peak”, “The Turning of the Leaves” or “The Violent End of Duncan Malveine”. It was a pleasure. We’re sorry that the audio/connection quality isn’t as great as we want it to be..but in lockdown times the internet seems to be a bit stressed out. Hope you can still enjoy it.
Thief Podcast - Inside at Last https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoLNQJcMLurPzK4U3cSCNzQ/
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Thief's Rising 2 Teaser Trailer
| Dec. 24, 2020
Thief's Rising 2
Official Video
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Let's Play The Dark Mod: A Noble Home (The Accountant Prologue)
| Nov. 19, 2020
The Accountant Prologue: A Noble Home
This video contains a statement that may be a slight exaggeration. Can you find it?!
-- FenPhoenix
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Death's Cold Embrace, Act I, Scenes 4-6: Fate Intervenes
| Sept. 25, 2020
Death's Cold Embrace
Playthrough of DCE, Mission 4. No gameplay here, so no ghost mode is referenced.
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Death's Cold Embrace, Act I, Scene 3: Rendezvous At the Harlequin
| Sept. 25, 2020
Death's Cold Embrace
Supreme Ghost run of DCE, Mission 3. Skipped 1 piece of loot for that mode. Short and sweet. Enjoy!
Actual run starts at 3:00.
Ghost challenge #16 at 19:15. Passed by lurkinggeopard at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ej9yypXVLM !
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Death's Cold Embrace, Act I, Scene 2: A Formula For Success
| Sept. 25, 2020
Death's Cold Embrace
Successful Supreme Ghost of DCE, Mission 2. Skipped 2 pieces of loot (lit candlesticks) for that mode. Tough but fun mission!
Actual run starts at 4:20.
Ghost challenge #15 at 1:39:30.
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Death's Cold Embrace, Act I, Scene 1: Murder Most Foul
| Sept. 25, 2020
Death's Cold Embrace
Successful Ghost of Death's Cold Embrace, mission 1. Two Supreme busts and two pieces of loot skipped for that mode. All items, secrets, readables and loot accounted for. Please don't watch if you haven't played this amazing campaign! Massive spoilers, obviously!
I apologize for the loud background noise. My mic was set way too high for some reason. I tried to fix it but it just got worse, so I left it be.
Actual run starts at 9:40.
No ghost challenge for this mission. :-(
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Morbid Curiosity (2/2)
| Sept. 14, 2020
Morbid Curiosity
What an amazing mission!
Supreme Ghost attempt at Pukey Brunster's Morbid Curiosity from 2016. I prioritized regular Ghost for this one, but still took as few Supreme busts as possible. Regular Ghost busted once, with 500 loot skipped. For Supreme there are 3 required busts, although I took a lot more due to getting the extra loot. A total of 1190 worth of loot should be skipped for Supreme. All loot and items shown. Full walkthrough.
I apologize for the extra load times. It takes about 10 seconds each time I load a savegame, due to the mission's high custom content. In fact, I'm surprised I was able to record this smoothly at 1080p 60fps, considering this heavy of a mission.
Ghost challenge #9 in Part 1. Passed by Ultravioletu at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP3q_E_yTyg !
Ghost challenge #10 at 2:21:30.
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Morbid Curiosity (1/2)
| Sept. 14, 2020
Morbid Curiosity
What an amazing mission!
Supreme Ghost attempt at Pukey Brunster's Morbid Curiosity from 2016. I prioritized regular Ghost for this one, but still took as few Supreme busts as possible. Regular Ghost busted once, with 500 loot skipped. For Supreme there are 3 required busts, although I took a lot more due to getting the extra loot. A total of 1190 worth of loot should be skipped for Supreme. All loot and items shown. Full walkthrough.
I apologize for the extra load times. It takes about 10 seconds each time I load a savegame, due to the mission's high custom content. In fact, I'm surprised I was able to record this smoothly at 1080p 60fps, considering this heavy of a mission.
Ghost challenge #9 at 1:09:40. Passed by Ultravioletu at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OP3q_E_yTyg !
Ghost challenge #10 in Part 2.
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - CoSaS 2: Mission X (3/3)
| Sept. 6, 2020
Circle of Stone and Shadow 2: Mission X
Perfect Supreme Ghost run of Mission X. Couldn't get the Agent Glass ending for Supreme, but got it for Perfect Thief. All items, readables, objectives and loot covered. Full walkthrough.
Please leave feedback. Enjoy!
Ghost challenges #4 and #5 in Part 2.
#5 passed by lurkginggeopard at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slV6C-xs-Mk
Link to the Official Ghost Rules (TTLG Forums):
My Thief website:
- Klatremus
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