City Mechanist Miscellaneous Buildings Sabotage
The Mechanist movement has not died with the death of Karras as you had hoped. No, but rather the remaining Mechanists have made Karras their patron saint! They view him as a martyr for the cause o... Read more
Thorin Oakenshield (Mike Eyre)
The Mechanist movement has not died with the death of Karras as you had hoped. No, but rather the remaining Mechanists have made Karras their patron saint! They view him as a martyr for the cause of the Builder, and they blame Garrett for his death. The Keepers have learned of the Mechanists' plan to exact revenge on Karras' behalf, at your expense, and worse, a plan to force the conversion of everyone to the Mechanist faith or be killed. Moreover, a device created by Karras, the "Flesh Transmuter", is being used to necrotize the flesh of all Mechanists. The words of the metal children of Karras are being interpreted as holy writ by the faithful, and they are replacing their fleshly parts with the mechanical! The Keepers suspect that eventually the Mechanists will force this transmutation on everyone! You are, as always, being sought by the local Dayport authorities, and now, to make matters worse, all Mechanists are patrolling the streets with vitriolic vigour, ready to kill you on sight, to hang your severed head at the entrance of Soulforge! The entrance has become a shrine to Karras! He is now more popular than ever! The Keepers will not intervene to protect you, but they have left you a map to a remote location for a meeting which may help to get you out of this desperate situation. The Mechanists' believe that you caused an accident at Soulforge as an attack on their order. They do not know that you actually have saved all of Dayport from Karras' mad plan. Even if Victoria had survived to corroborate your story, no one would have listened to her, she being of pagan persuasion. No remaining Mechanists would ever believe that Karras had left all of them outside Soulforge to die. The Keepers have learned of a secret diary that Karras kept, chronicling the last week of his life. In the book are details concerning his contempt for all flesh, and his desire to see everyone die, including all of the faithful followers which helped bring him so close to realizing his mad plan. The diary is written in Karras' own hand. The Keepers have not discovered the location of the diary. However, they have learned that a few upper eschelon Mechanists are staying in an upper room of Karras' estate, awaiting the return of Karras and The Builder. If you were to be discovered as the one who brought Karras' diary to light, no one would believe it was real. They would all suspect you of tampering and forgery, making you double a candidate for the Mechanists' wrath than you already are. Find the diary and deposit it in the manor house in the upper room where the top Mechanists are staying without them spotting you, for them to find it and discover what a traitor Karras really was to them! Moreover, the destruction of the Flesh Transmuter and any plans of its construction would ensure the future safety of everyone, including your own.
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