Sterlino (Menguzzo Stefano)
Time location: between t2 and t3.
Many things have changed since the death of Karras. The opening of a new sophisticated bank has you dreaming about the old times, when you broke into the bank and succeeded in opening the vault door. It was an incredible moment. Rumor says that the creator of the bank mechanism is a former follower of Karras. He has created various alarm systems, as usual, and a code lock for the vault door. The code is changed every day, so it's very difficult to find out what it is and use it. This all sounds like a really exciting challenge.
After two nights of not being able to sleep, you decided to put together a plan,
scratching some ideas out on paper, but not coming up with anything really good. Just when you were about to give up on the whole thing, a bird flew in through your window. He had a little message tied to his neck.
Garrett, I'm employed at the new Mistriver Bank.
You probably know it well. I've heard talk about you and your abilities.
Meet me at "Sunspot Café" tomorrow at sunset...
The next day, you met the man, and he told you that he was angry with the bank because they owed him 2 months worth of salary. So he decided to get even and came up with a plan designed to get you into the vault. In return for his help, he asked for 50% of your haul. Naturally you agreed, but it wasn't as simple as it first sounded. He told you how to enter the bank, and he gave you a map on graph paper.
They treated me badly, and now it's time for me to have my revenge. The bank's security isn't as impenetrable as they think. The vault is easily accessed from the rear of the bank. You must use this weakness to enter, but I must warn you about one thing: there are two alarm systems. Before you do anything else, you will first have to deactivate them. It is imperative that you find the code before you enter the bank. This would have been impossible up until 2 weeks ago, but fortunately that has changed.
A new employee was given the responsibility of safeguarding the code. That idiot gets drunk every night, and he has misplaced the code at least three times before. Tonight should be the perfect night for you to break in. Two days ago I saw Gilberto staggering around the office with a bottle in his hand, and the morning after he muttered something about not wanting to be seen by the Director because he'd lost the code yet again.
This job is like a dream come true for you. It's time to get your equipment ready for tonight.
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