Church Hammerite Horror Small/Short Undead
The story of the Rutherford Sander's company is a short and mysterious one, a new, prosperous colony founded and maintained by rich merchants and noble men.That is, however, until the entire the vi... Read more
The story of the Rutherford Sander's company is a short and mysterious one, a new, prosperous colony founded and maintained by rich merchants and noble men.That is, however, until the entire the village was found pillaged and burned to the ground, and its inhabitances slaughtered. Their bodies found sprawled out along the streets, and inside any building still standing. So why look here for the next week's rent? Word of mouth suggests that the place was already picked over, leaving only a few trinkets, and the spirits of the dead to wander through the ruins. However, this is not the full truth Rumor also speaks of vault, located in the economic center of the colony, containing some of the more lucrative items that the colony has come in contact with. The plan is simple; get in and get out, and hopefully avoid disturbing too many spirits along the way
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