Hammerite Monastery/Priory/Seminary Temples Undercover
Getting the Talisman of Air will be an interesting challenge, but I'll need it if I want to get "The Eye" for Constantine. It's well hidden inside the city's Hammer Temple, so I'll have to do some... Read more
Dorian Hart
Level designer
Getting the Talisman of Air will be an interesting challenge, but I'll need it if I want to get "The Eye" for Constantine. It's well hidden inside the city's Hammer Temple, so I'll have to do some scouting around.
Problem is the place is fully active, day and night, not even I could stay undetected for very long. Well they say that the best place to hide a letter is on the mantlepiece.
With that in mind I'll be going in by the front door, dressed as a Hammerite Novice. That should be perfect since Novices aren't allowed to speak while on the Temple grounds.
My contacts can get me a Novice's pass to get me through the gate. Once inside I'll be free to take my time, explore the place thoroughly, and find the Talisman, as long as I don't do anything violent, or get caught somewhere I shouldn't be. Because as the new arrival I'll be the first person they suspect if anything goes wrong.
Having pledged
our honour as
shield over Air,
we must
be mindful.
Let it be locked
away and safe,
but ever in view
of the faithful.
are hostage
to our care.
-- Hammerite Sermon of the Talisman
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