I was going to pay Lord Randall and his vase collection a visit, but the Downwind Thieves' Guild beat me to the score. Word is that they haven't divvied the booty yet. Apparently their leaders..... Read more
Sara Verrilli
Level designer
I was going to pay Lord Randall and his vase collection a visit, but the Downwind Thieves' Guild beat me to the score. Word is that they haven't divvied the booty yet.
Apparently their leaders...Donal and Reuben...are arguing over the prized sapphire vase. Sounds like they could use a third party to settle their disagreement. Since I'm no mediator, I'll just steal the vase from them. They'll be so busy blaming each other no one will suspect an outsider.
The Downwinders run a gambling den called the "Overlord's Fancy," which operates under a nearby restaurant. The guild's hideout is beneath the casino. I have a rough map of the complex I got from...sources from the inside. Once I'm in the Overlord's Fancy I'll have to search for the secret entrance to the hideout. Have to be careful, the Downwinder's know me all too well. If they catch sight of me they'll know who took the vase. Assuming they don't just kill me for trespassing.
Finding the vase may prove difficult, since I have no idea where it is. Should be a hot topic of conversation among the Downwinders. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to overhear where they're stashing it. Time to make a living.
In the beginning
we lived as
Stealing fur and
fang of beasts
for survival
Then came
the Builder
who brought us
the Hammer,
And with it
we forged
a new way
of life.
To reject
the Hammer
is to denounce
the Builder.
-- The Hammer Book of Tenets
star 6.04