The Hammerite Imperium was once a great center of learning, arts and culture. It also ruled the continent with an iron fist, bringing all nations under its dominion with conquest, plunder and slave...
Tonight's job is a small one, and a simple one - but only the foolish and the broke turn down all the little ones. An anonymous client rapped upon the door of this week's dirt-caked flophouse, leav...
Me dear friend, I need a big favor of you.
The cook who owns The Limp Inn Boar, Tasteless Bert, somehow found a way to turn his taff-awful cooking into something no one can resist. I'm losing pa...
In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
Following a clue from the necromancer Knoss's grimoire, Garrett finds himself in the gloomy district of Greytwist Murking for an appointment with a shady antiques dealer...
Breaking into the Cat...
These are desperate times. Business has been slow lately, while prices for the most basic of commodities in The City keep rising. I’ll have to pull a bigger job if I want to avoid having to beg for...
During a brief visit with my fence, he told me that Mr. Periwinkle was working on some crystals that are very valuable. Thinking that this would be a lucrative opportunity, I traveled via the thiev...
As hammer hits the stone
We carve our words eternal
Let our works relieve our burden
As they endure the tooth of time
So let our wisdom guide us
From all that is infernal
~ A...
Today I am going to break into the estate of Lady Milhorn. Since the death of her husband, she is said to behave somehow... well, excentrically. The break-in will be certainly profitable, since the...
Lately, I've had quite the correspondence with a self-proclaimed "Lord" who is supposedly pretty
well known in the City for being an art lover and a dedicated collector. I'm supposed to find what
This evening I got a message from a courier, one of the orphan boys who runs with the Bloodied Bulldogs in East Brooksdale. The note said the gang are in a tight spot and they need someone discrete...
A pilfered gem, a plagued neighborhood, a vast gambling hall drawing wealthy marks with roving eyes. Ripe for busy hands and devil's work. Can be played 'Safe for Work', or Not. See 'Notes' for more.
I left the City because the cops were getting too close to me.
I've been in this city, Lonmore, for a month now.
I have a nice apartment, rather expensive, so my savings are getting thin.
I love...
An old friend of mine approached me the other night with some interesting information. Apparently our beloved Governor Archibald Cloist, is a whore-monger and a liar. Nothing out of the norm for Br...
Lord Guldenberg might just be the wealthiest man in this part of
Hightowne. He's engaged in an ongoing competition with the other
nobles in this area, his two biggest rivals being Lord Ravenhurst...
Lord Blackgrove recently purchased a rare expensive artifact. The whole family has now disappeared leaving the manor empty. Time to check out the manor and see if the artifact can be found.