You tried doing this the good citizen way by lodging a complaint with the Watch, but they could care less. They rather enjoy your neighbor's late night music, sitting there like schoolboys listenin...
After visiting the beautiful Lady Marjorie Cruffington-Totty in her suite at the top of the City's most ludicrously tall building, our dashing rascal of a hero has successfully relieved her of her ...
A couple of years ago a band of thieves raided some rich nobleman's house in some remote part of town. The details of the heist elude me, but I know that among the spoils was a particular arcane to...
All these fates are connected ...
all those lights and shadows ...
all those lies and truth ...
From the library of the Black Wing
The life of a watchman is not that easy as some people might...
After Truart's untimely death, the City Watch was in need of a new sheriff. A lot of stuff has happened since his death, and some members of the watch were discovered to have either been bribed by ...
The Hammers are after an item called The Builder’s Rattle. It’s an ancient icon that was stolen by one of their own priests.
Thieving from a thief is always irresistible. No doubt this pries...
In the Librarian, you were on a quest to find the Spear of Destiny which is believed to give immense power to the one in possession of it.
At the end of the mission, you arrived at the place where...
Garrett finds himself aboard a big, empty cheese-shipping ship full of hungry rats that want nothing more than to make ameal out of him; because to them, he looks like a big slice of Chedder!
This is the most exciting job of your entire career! You are going to break into the Tower of Jorge and STEAL THE LOOT! WOW!
An AMAZING ADVENTURE of EPIC PROPORTIONS awaits you, Garrett! Are you r...
Recently, you received a job offer by a certain Lady Graitelvend, a woman who wishes to be the most well-dressed lady in the entire city. This is why she needs you to steal some other ladies' cloth...