Melan (Gabor Lux)
After the conclusion to the Downlock affair, I decided to take a break from regular thieving. Lie low and hide until the noise about assassinations and unlawful conspiracies dies down... I spent most of my time in a rented apartment and wasted a lot of my gains on bribes and rebuilding a network of trustworthy contacts. It wasn't enough. One night on the way back home, there was a thud of heavy footsteps and suddenly armed men were coming from all directions. It was clear these boys meant business, and were out to kill.
I ran...
Only later the next day could I piece together the picture from contacts and keeping an open ear. The men were coming from Darksmoke District, wedged between the plazas of Stonemarket and the furnaces below Cragscleft, and ruled by one Lady Azamlarg, a stern judge and reputedly a bit of a collector... How she
found out about my doings is a mystery, but judging by the force she sent to take me in, she must have a high opinion on my capabilities. After the Downlock job, the last thing I want is more attention, and an assassination is right out of the question. I need something more discrete, just a warning... it is said that Lady Azamlarg has a treasure room in her palace right next to the courthouse where she hands down her verdicts, and she owns a valuable sceptre that may be the perfect target for a bit of burglary... They say no one robs from a thief without suffering the consequences, and who am I to question old wisdom?
Breaking into the palace will be no easy task. An associate I have done jobs for but who has been careful to stay anonymous in our dealings may have a key to a lower entrance, but he is not surrendering it without me doing him a favour first, and a downright odd one at that... Luckily, he has also provided me with handwritten instructions and a map of the district's streets and waterways. I will enter at Trundle Street to the north, where it is hopefully easy to stay out of sight until nightfall, and start from there. To send Lady Azamlarg a stronger message, I will also be picking up some valuables from her palace - and if that proves inadequate, there is always the neighbourhood...
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