Horror Houses/Cottages/Apartments Small/Short Undead
Basso said that St. Johnny has alot of money. But the locks are unpickable. So I need a key. He also said that there is a key that Dan, a fellow thief, has. I need to get the key from him. He and a... Read more
Joseph Foy
Basso said that St. Johnny has alot of money. But the locks are unpickable. So I need a key. He also said that there is a key that Dan, a fellow thief, has. I need to get the key from him. He and all the city knows your reputation. He will probably give you the key. (hard) He also got lockpicks so grab thim. They will probably are worth the same as your pair you have. (expert) He broke in a mechanist house and stoled a statue; so grab it from him.
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